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Thursday, 16 June 2011

Tooki Retires

I was devastated that our fabulously wild looking (and equally wild mannered) Tooki only ever fell with one litter, and didn't have the best experience. Over the years we have tried without success to pair her to Hershey, as I'm sure they would have had the most incredible kittens. However it wasn't to be, and as constant heats were taking their toll on her well-being, we decided to do the kind think and have her spayed. Anyone who knows Tooki will know that she is a 'spirited' girl, and after a very eventful half hour of trying to get her into a carrying box, with a heavy heart she was taken to the vets, into the very capable hands of Catriona the vet, Cat Woman as we call her; as she has this very special way with them!

I was so pleased to get my little girl home, and whilst woozy and miserable, I was the only one she wanted to be with. So despite getting no sleep after deciding to stay overnight on the settee with her, I was rewarded with lots of head rubs, taps and kisses! The lack of sleep was worth the display of affection from this 'spooky' girl who frightens most people who meet her! I quite like being the 'chosen one'. (I must remember this when she's hissing and spitting at me when its time to go for her check-up tomorrow!)