
This page is a new addition to our site, which will allow us to bring news faster to you. We hope you can then enjoy our Pixie family updates more regularly.

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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Happy Christmas and a Huge Thank You

Through the placement of our kittens we have made some fabulous friendships. Its always lovely to speak, to exchange pixie bob stories and photographs, to visit and just know that we are always there for each other. These are friendships across the miles and provide a very special link back to our Handale babies.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their enquiries about kittens or future litters and the interesting chats that we have in the process. We welcome all calls as its great to share the passion for pixies! We apologise for any problems that may have been experienced with e-mails during October/November, especially in response to phone calls, as we weren't automatically made aware until recently that our sent e-mails had not arrived with the intended recipients.

We look forward to 2011 and hope that it holds happy and exciting times for each and every one of you. Happy Christmas from us all at Handale. x

My How We've Grown!

The last litter born here at Handale were 1 year old in October. Happy birthday celebrations were enoyed from Liverpool to Dumbarton! I am sure you will agree they look a fab four!



